Our Services
Our experience makes us different..
Wrinkle Reduction

If you want to rejuvenate your appearance without a facelift or other surgical procedure, we have a number of options for non-invasive skin treatment involving both ablative and non-ablative lasers.
The Lumenis’ Aluma™ skin renewal system is a revolutionary method for reversing the signs of aging. Using a technology known as FACES™ vacuum and bipolar radiofrequency (RF) energy combine to superficially heat the underlying layers of the skin. While it sounds technical – and is – the result is easy to understand: new collagen production, smoother skin and a more youthful appearance.

Skin Resurfacing

One of our favorite procedures the IPL Photofractional Treatment. Photorejuvenation uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) in a breakthrough cosmetic medical skin treatment to correct the signs of photoaging (sun spots), as well as birthmarks, broken capillaries, benign brown pigments, redness or Rosacea, mottled pigmentation, port wine stains and other skin imperfections. It is safe for all ages, and a non-invasive solution that can be customized to your skin type to treat your specific pigmentation problem. Skin rejuvenation can be achieved on the face, as well as on the hands, neck, chest and arms.

Dermal Fillers

Have you started to notice that time is showing on your face? Is it mild or severe? Whether your problems are small or large, Rejuvenate Skincare and Laser Center offers a variety of options to help with the lines and wrinkles that make their way across our face as we age. The advantage of our practice is that we are multi-dimensional. We are able to offer services from non-invasive to surgical options when you are ready to do something on a more permanent basis. Our practice is unique and we want you to know that your outcome and safety are some of our primary concerns. We can help guide you through the vast world of dermal fillers and start a treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Costs are variable based on products, volume used and treatment area.

PRP Therapy

Platlet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is a treatment which uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth, helping to improve your complexion and skin texture. The PRP that is derived from this process contains protein growth factors that assist in tissue repair, cellular growth and collagen production.
PRP can be injected into the skin and other tissue of the face or body or can be used in conjunction with Microneedling procedure. Injectable PRP is placed into the skin or other tissue using a needle and or a cannula. There are no risks of allergic reactions or rejection since the PRP is derived from your own blood cells.

Laser Hair Removal

Plucking, shaving and waxing – you do it all the time to eliminate unwanted hair. Unfortunately, it always returns. So, all you really lost was time. You wonder if expensive creams are the answer. Unless the question is, how to lose both time and money, they’re not. If you’ve endured painful electrolysis, you lost more time, more money and finally, maybe even your nerve. There’s only one last thing to lose – hope. Don’t do it. Today, there’s a medical spa service that offers both men and women here in Sacramento and Granite Bay non-invasive, real, long lasting hair removal – laser light.


If you are seeking to promote and preserve a glowing, youthful complexion, a HydraFacial is an increasingly popular choice. It’s a step beyond microdermabrasion, offering both greater convenience and the flexibility to choose among a wide range of topical solutions and techniques.
HydraFacial is extremely gentle and soothing, the experienced skin care professionals at Rejuvenate Skincare recommend HydraFacial for skin types of any degree of sensitivity.

Skincare and Makeup Products

Your skin is not only your body’s largest organ, but also one for which you have an unobstructed, front-row seat to view the effects – good or bad – of everything from the environment to time to lifestyle upon it. Sometimes, the change is slow and almost imperceptible; other times, change seems to come out of nowhere, almost overnight. Unfortunately, you’re not the only one who sees this change, as your co-workers, family and friends are also witnessing it.